Enough is enough.
We are exhausted.
We are tired.
Tired of hurting.
Tired of crying. 
Tired of protesting just to be heard
Tired of senseless murders
Tired of losing our brothers and sisters.
Tired of having to monitor ourselves ALL THE TIME, every setting, every moment, every second of the DAY AND NIGHT.
The constant state of living in fear of not making it home safe tonight. 
Fight or flight.
Accountability and justice IS mandatory, NOT a prolonged option.
400 years of oppression.
How many more?
I can’t breathe. 
I’m tired. 
It’s tired.
We are tired.
We are exhausted.
Enough is enough.

— d.o.
Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

This short poem was written following the George Floyd incident that took place back in May, which shook the entire world to a place of ACTION, p Se mer
