Title : Wrecipe - "embrace dyslexia and let the writing take off"
Audience : Dyslexic Young Adults; 18-30 years Interested in Creative Writing
Aim : Accepting Dyslexia and Embracing It
Project Type : Empathy Design, Experience Design, Illustrations, Creative Writing, Origami 

Description : “Wrecipe” i.e writing + recipe was born from the idea of rebranding dyslexia for the dyslexic audience because the big issue lies with how they perceive themselves as a result of a low threshold for mistakes, confusion, difficult childhood and thus, low confidence in writing. Hinted in the wrong spelling of recipe, the intent was to persuade the audience to embrace their dyslexia and unleash the talents hidden behind it.

The writing process is made tactile by developing an octahedron mind-map. Here, the audience focuses on 8 vital components of creative writing including confidence. The audience is asked to jot down ideas in the different sections of the mind map. They are then urged to fold the mind-map into a shape and think about connecting the findings with one another. Since most people use Grammarly and similar tools for writing, the map only offers the role of a supportive guide that eases final writing. The use of dark blue Arial font on a cream background offers a better user experience. The Idea prompts developed from RAW workshops offer variable and out of the box writing ideas.

I wanted to experiment with tactility, mind-mapping and writing. Below are some prototypes that led to the final development. I also developed an identity for the brand that embraces dyslexia. Use of comic sans has been made as its a dyslexia friendly font.