Graphite on Arches Cotten Rag
Circa 2020
Original: 14 x 10 in

Tools Used:
Arches - 140lb Hot Pressed Watercolour, Derwent Medium Graphite Pencils, Chamois, Blending Stump, Prismacolor - Premier Kneaded Eraser, Faber-Castell - Dust-Free Eraser, Tombow - Mono Zero Eraser, Nylon-tipped Paint Brush, Golden Matte Archival Varnish

For this project, I was drawing my kitty Rx in one of her many sleeping poses. I always like drawing cats and it had been a while since I had been able to draw one.
On this project, I used a new paper that I had heard from other artists as being their favorite. I can see why artists like it as it is really easy to layer pencils and brush tones. My one complaint was that it was really easy to smudge the paper, though it was easy to erase that away. Overall, it was great and I am excited to try colored pencils on the Arches paper.

Rx the Cat


Rx the Cat
