Profil użytkownika „Katie Willes”

VOGUE Cover Assignment

VOGUE Cover Composite Assignment
(For Educational Purposes Only)
Inspiration photos courtesy via Google
In designing, I noticed four main characteristics of a Vogue brand magazine cover. One, the focal point of the cover is the celebrity that is featured on it. Two, the backgrounds are beautiful but simple enough not to draw your attention away from the celebrity on the cover. Three, the name of the magazine is usually in far background or far foreground and is in either gold, white, or bright lipstick red. The headlines are usually also minimalist and sometimes slightly hard to read. This may be because everyone knows Vogue and can assume that there will be content about the celebrity that is featured on the cover so legibility is not essential. Four, if there is a horse on the cover, it is often a prop that the celebrity poses with, is bareback, and is not being ridden. This is possibly due to the fact that elegant dresses hard to straddle a horse in.
Photography credit to Filip Eliasson, Helena Lopes, Jessica Pamp, Kamil Kalbarczyk, and Taylor Jewell.
From Unsplash and
Original Concept
The original idea was to put someone that you would not expect on the cover of Vogue. This is why I made what the cover would look like if Jeff Goldblum were on the cover. The original idea was to have Jeff riding a horse on a beach. This changed because of the branding styles I noticed in existing covers and I thought it would be more successful for the requirements of this assignment for school. The goal for the assignment was to show our skills with complex selections, adjustment layers, and retouching with frequency separation in Photoshop.
Final Cover
I exported this in the “Working CMYK - Web Coated (SWOP)v2” color space at 300 ppi because it is intended for print. I also created it in the dimensions of a regular Vogue cover (10.5in x 8.3in) saved as a jpeg.
(For Educational Purposes Only)
VOGUE Cover Assignment


VOGUE Cover Assignment


