Profiel van Montana Jardim

05 Information Design: Fake news campaign

05 Information Design: Digital campaign 
Project brief:
With an increasing spread of fake news across all social media platforms, and the tendency to lean towards sensationalism over truth, the need to stop the spread of false information becomes of a high priority. A campaign is thus packaged in a catchy way that allows people to recognise it, refer to it and possibly use it in the fight against false information.​​​​​​​

1. Process work and research
2. Digital poster
3. Wetransfer background
4. Digital emailer invite 
5. Vertical narrative for presentation

In the face of a global pandemic, the spread of misinformation has the likelihood to become far more dangerous than the virus itself. The campaign takes on the angle of combatting the spread of misinformation during the Covid-19 outbreak.​​​​​​​ Don't be blind to the facts aims to encourage its audience to check its facts before spreading anything they're unsure of. It also plays on the viral image of President Cyril covering his face with his face mask in the presidents address, which reached millions of people. From a visual standpoint, the colours aim to represent the mandatory masks we as the public are required to wear.

Colour and Typography
Process work and research
Final Deliverables 
Wetransfer Background 
Wetransfer working gif
Final Digital Poster
05 Information Design: Fake news campaign

05 Information Design: Fake news campaign


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