Silpo” is the biggest chain of supermarkets in Ukraine. For now it counts 239 supermarkets in 61 cities. Accept good service, “silpo” shops stand out with creative approach in advertising and decorations inside supermarkets. 

It was necessery to create series of commercial for new wave «sensational discounts».

Among the proposed ideas the client chose commercial with characters. Every one has own character and unusual desire to buy with discounts. The characters are breaking stereotypes,  burning with a desire to get to Silpo as fast as possible.

The process of creating characters was interesting. Every person can find themselves  in one of this cute animals.  Somebody has habitually slow lifestyle, suddenly gets out of his place and rushes to his wish, like our snail does; somebody  slides down from the hatched place, breaks into the smile to purchase something interesting for attractive price.
This character is unique because of his speed that is not typical for snails. He is a bit mad with discounts, rushing toward them. His pink shell and big crazy eyes are the traits of this fancy and funny character.
It seems that it is an ordinary tortoise from the first look. But it is not! The tortoise is a good soul that can lift her body in the air and move purposlefuly to her goal, stirring with her tiny tail.
Our sloth  is a classical example of this animal. But despite of this fact he is very charming, attractive and he adores eating. Exactly this quality is warming up his interest to the discounts in Silpo.
What do you know about koalas except the fact that they like to sleep? Of course! They are crazy about discounts! Their curiosity has fought their sleepiness and they are on half of the way to Silpo. Almost near...
 Character design, illustration, design, logo, type, branding, fonts, workshop, logo identity, logo typography, logo marka, logo moсkup, design identity, illustrator, identity logotype, identity logo design, identity typography, identity logofolio, design vector, design adobe, design typography, identity brand, logotype, logotype typography, logotype logofolio.
Creative director  Ivan Holub
Copywriter   Anastasia Shvets
Design, illustration   Dana Tulei

Sensations discount

Sensations discount
