Ukrainian proverbs/Cover/Illustrations

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Translation: You should keep your mouth as shut as a locked door
English analogue: Keep your mouth shut
Translation: You cannot sit on two chairs at the same time
English analogue: Between two stools one falls to the ground 
Translation: A word is not an arrow but it can hurt you badly
English analogue: A word hurts more than a wound
Translation: A soul of another person is as dark as a forest
English analogue: The human heart is darkness
Translation: Even a cow can fly sometimes
English analogue: Anything is possible
Translation: When they pushed a bear to eat honey, they tore off his ears.
English analogue: You can't heal stubbornness
Translation: To read a book is to fly on its wings
English analogue: Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere
Translation: You cannot wash off a crow with soap -- it will still be black
English analogue: You cannot wash charcoal white
Translation: Don't make an elephant out of a fly
English analogue: Big deal out of nothing
Translation: You are like two boots of one pair
English analogue: They make a pair
Translation: A well-fed cat doesn't catch mice
English analogue: A shy cat makes a proud mouse
Translation: Nastia said that she would do her best, but she forgot to tie a small knot to remember it
English analogue: Great talker are little doers
Translation: An uncaught fish is always large
English analogue: Never fry a fish till it's caught
Translation: One takes the stars from the sky above, but cannot see what happens nearby
English analogue: She does not see a step beyond her nose
Translation: Both of you who met on a road are alike
English analogue: Cut from the same cloth
Translation: A word is not a bird -- you cannot catch it if it flies out
English analogue: Words can't be unspoken
Ukrainian proverbs/Cover/Illustrations
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Ukrainian proverbs/Cover/Illustrations

a series of illustrations for the book "Ukrainian proverbs" cover design

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