Profil von Kai Wen

Hokkien Chinese New Year Packaging

Seasonal Packaging Design (2020)

Season: Hokkien Chinese New Year
Food: Prosperity cakes (Huat Kuih) and Sweet Glutinous Rice (Bee Koh)

The culture of Hokkien Chinese New Year
On the 9th day of the first month of Lunar Calendar, Hokkien people will have a special celebration known as “Bai Tian Kong”. The celebration marks the birthday of The Jade Emperor or Guardian or Heavenly God, who lives in the centre of the universe. The Hokkiens will set up a table (draped in a red table cloth) full of food which are serve to The Jade Emperor.
Cover of the packaging
Base of the cover and base of the packaging
Product Name: HuatHuat 
The logo is using the word “HUAT” in Hokkien its mean To prosper, To  flourish and bring good luck. The colour i used is Gold colour, gold is a colour that symbolizes wealth and rishes in the Chinese culture.
Packaging Colour: Red, Orange, Yellow and Gold
Red is represent Chinese New Year and have the meaning of happiness, success and good fortune. Yellow symbolizes prosperity and good luck. Orange and gold symbolizes wealth and riches in Chinese culture.
Hokkien Chinese New Year Packaging

Hokkien Chinese New Year Packaging
