Sarah Sam's profile

Personal Expression

It is a wide spectrum as to what gender discrimination against women is about and most of it is still an ongoing issue however i chose to include the 4 main forms of discrimination in the illustration. First one is the superiority complex men have been groomed to have and the inferiority complex placed on women in response. Men are always assumed to be the stronger gender as oppose to women, who are more assumed to be sensitive or weak or small. The second is the wage gap in the workplace. Women are still paid lesser than men throughout the world. It is clearly researched and proven multiple times that women do in fact earn much lesser than men even tho both are working in same industry or sector. The third is the harassment women has to face almost everyday of their lives. Such as cat calling, whistling and stalking. The fourth is the employment discrimination where women with the hijab or a women of color or is part of the lgbtq community face when applying for jobs. They often would get rejected. Like for instance, a women with the hijab would be asked to remove their scarf in order to be hired to work for the company and the women of colour would sometimes get looked past or not considered for promotion. As a woman living in this society, i have first handedly experienced what i have illustrated. I made the illustration relatable to me and i’m certain most women could relate as well. 
Personal Expression

Personal Expression
