Coleção de rótulos, marca e cartazes para a Cervejaria Rocky Garden. As cervejas são produzidas com a melhor água das Serra de Petrópolis. Esta conexão com o ambiente de montanha e esportes radicais foi a principal inspiração para criar a coleção.

Collection of labels, brand and posters for the Rocky Garden Brewery. The beers are produced with the best water from the Petrópolis's Mountains. This connection with the mountain environment and extreme sports was the main inspiration to create the collection.

Além dos rótulos foram criados cartazes representando cada tipo de cerveja. Eles compõem as paredes do Brew Café, restaurante da cervejaria em Petrópolis.

In addition to the labels, posters were created representing each type of beer. They make up the walls of Brew Café, the brewery's restaurant in Petrópolis.

Design e ilustração / Design and illustration: Henrique Neumann
Rocky Garden


Rocky Garden
