Dr. Woohoo! 님의 프로필Drew Trujillo 님의 프로필

Can Physics Disrupt the Design Process?

A disruptive experiment by Dr. Woohoo which explores what happens when you mix systems found in nature, like physics, with the design process.
Originally inspired by Henrique Leite's homework for a Typography Class taught by Hugo Werner in Brazil. After seeing and then 'listening' to this image, Woohoo imagined being able to design using physics as a tool to enhance the creative process. Over the course of a few days, Woohoo wrote a plug-in for Adobe Illustrator to test the idea out.

The plug-in analyzes the content on and around the ArtBoard within Illustrator and builds a representation of it. It then randomly selects a seed# – which can be thought of as a representation of a unique set of values for the different physics related parameters (e.g., if the seed # = 2897070, then the density is always 0.2, the friction is always 0.4, etc.). The simulation is run and the objects fall where they will. If the options for adding the new layout to Illustrator and saving the file are selected, duplicate copies of the graphics within Illustrator will be generated and laid out according to the new composition. The file will then be saved as an Illustrator and PNG file. If the option to Loop more than 1 time is increased with Randomize selected, the process will generate a new lay out and save the files automatically.
Physics tab with Density, Friction, Restitution and Angle UI shown

Taking it one step further, imagine if multiple people could access the plug-in at the same time – from web browsers, a desktop application, smart phones, multi-touch tables, and/or an immersive experience. You might end up with a Peer Design experience similar to this.

It's important to note that Emanuele Feronato's tutorials on Box2D Flash were extremely helpful when Woohoo first began using Box2D – the physics library for Flash Builder. In addition, the pseudo-random number generator (with seeds) approach that he's using – if not mistaken – was inspired by a show-n-tell he saw by the brilliant Quasimondo years ago.
Seeds tab with Loop..., Time Interval, Randomize, Add to Illustrator and Save File UI shown
Can Physics Disrupt the Design Process?

Can Physics Disrupt the Design Process?

An experiment exploring the idea of what happens when physics and collision detection are added to Adobe Illustrator.
