Aditya Wikram's profile

Redefining Music Experience

The idea took its breath when I am having a conversation with a friend. Though I am a terrible singer, 😜 I love to listen to music. I firmly believe good music can make you feel relaxed when you are stressed out. The way we listen to music is completely transformed from gramophone to mobile

Technology is giving immersive experience and the opportunity to carry the music. In this tech-driven world, everything is just a click away. But when it comes to emotion, we need a human touch to feel it.
I took this opportunity to build an interactive music experience and emotion.

Listening to music online is the third most preferred activity of urban internet users in the country. As many as 97.4 million people in urban India listen to music online, which is close to 63 percent of the 168 million total urban internet users in the country, and around 75 percent of this traffic comes from mobile phones, it said.
Research Goals
This research focused on how people sharing music with their loved ones. Sharing music links will let you listen to music, but for better interaction, we need something else. I took this as an opportunity and designed a feature which let you listen along with your loved ones

Research Questions asked 
How much time do users spend on listening to music?
How often users share music with their friends, partners, and loved ones?
What kind of music people choose most?
How users share music?
How do people love to listen to music alone or together?
Instead of focusing on the whole application, I focused on the feature, creating value for the application. I have perceived that people of many age groups who loved to listen to music and outlined the part with more interactive and accessible.

Understanding the importance of the intro page is very important. When the user enters the application for the first time, the intro page should create excitement and experience. So I decided to keep it as elegant as possible by creating a simple ripple effect, indicating spreading the vibes.

Music Player
Designed a clean and elegant music player and added an interactive icon to connect with your loved ones ongoing.

Send Request
I understood how important it is to get accepted by people and how much it means to you, so I thought connecting is not just enough; we need better engagement, So I Designed celebration for every connection.

Listen together
Interactive Player Prototype

Redefining Music Experience

Redefining Music Experience
