Hadeel Shaheen's profile


My cm3 is the smallest structural unit of the diamond crystal. I was interested in its organization as well as its formation. As this microscopic element multiplies by four, it forms the unit cell, which when multiplied forms the visible crystal. This organisational property is what gives the diamond its refractive optical properties. Also, the organization is very static and ordered, so I decided to slice it in one of its cleavage planes. The left out of this exercise was a sandwiched space that wanted to be dynamic and resemble how the diamond traps light. So I did exercises and I came up with these modules that are dynamic and resemble the diamond in how its surface and its inner structure are totally contrasting. I carried on with this exercise using the grid of the diamond. This created my m3, which I then multiplied to create depth into it. I also tried to play with the vertical elements by refracting them to refract light and trap light. Because light is dispersed in the diamond into different colours and different energies, I decided to divide the km3 into 6 elements each of which traps light differently to create different spaces that designate different experiences. This light void would act as the jewel within the volume, just like I want the whole project to be jewel within the site. so that is why I chose my site to be in the gold souq, that creates lit sensational experiences that might potentially allow for space that houses diamonds and tests them and polishes them. Another reason for choosing this site is the social feature of this site. The site is full with professional goldsmiths who have not been practising their business in the best conditions. They do not have exhibition spaces for their works of art. So, I decided to take from the land and give it back to those people who need this opportunity the most. This structure becomes their permanent gold exhibition space.


Perforated Cluster :: Jewelry Exibition
