control your breath ist eine Kombination aus Wing Chun, Tiger Crane, Pilates, Shiatsu und Shaolin kung fu (Gidigbo, tai chi, Gi Gong) und hilft Stress abzubauen. Mittels verschiedener Übungen können sich Körper und Seele langfristig entspannen. Eine gesunde Lunge, freies Atmen und die Reinheit der Luft war die Inspiration für dieses Projekt.
'control your breath' is a combination of Wing Chun, Tiger Crane, Pilates, Shiatsu, and Shaolin kung fu (Gidigbo, tai chi, Gi Gong) and helps finding a path to centering and relaxing the body and gaining greater postural self-awareness. A healthy lung, free breathing and the purity of the air was the inspiration for this project.
The logo derives from the lung
control your breath logo
stamped business card
control your breath

control your breath

'control your breath' is a combination of Wing Chun, Tiger Crane, Pilates, Shiatsu, and Shaolin kung fu (Gidigbo, tai chi, Gi Gong) and helps fin 閱讀更多
