Профиль Max WhiteheadПрофиль Max Whitehead

Raptor Room - Self Initiated Brief - Safety Measures

This brief tasked us with creating a design brief for ourselves and then completing it according to a timetable we also created. 

The brief I created was to use illustration to attempt to aid the restaurant industry or a chosen restaurant during the Covid 19 pandemic as many of them have struggled financially.

In order to solve this brief I chose to focus on a local restaurant, The Raptor Room. I developed illustrative precautionary measures with the goal of spreading awareness for proper safety measures while in a restaurant. The first thing I developed was a disposable menu with an illustration on one side. The second was a website landing page which would inform people of safety measures at the restaurant while also beginning the process of collecting required information should they wish to book. Finally I developed large hanging barriers which would hang between tables within the restaurant to act as a physical barrier between patrons.
Raptor Room - Self Initiated Brief - Safety Measures

Raptor Room - Self Initiated Brief - Safety Measures

This project involved creating a design brief and following it through, I decided to rebrand elements of a restaurant in Cape Town, South Africa, Развернуть
