Jana Dercksen profili

Packaging for Purpose - grow

Packaging for purpose - grow

The Lunchbox fund fights the hunger crisis in SA. They have a lunchbox with rotating menu of nutritionally fortified foods that are delicious and familiar to the children. Each meal provides the child with a wide range of macro and micro nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Yet there are no tools or resources for them to look after themselves, they are solely dependable on the organisation. And what if the funds run out?
The solution is to design a pencil kit where the waste of the pencil can be turned into new opportunities. The pencil will be made from recycled material containing vegetable seeds and will be biodegradable, blooming into healthy nutritions. Finally contributing back to the community while returning the natural elements to their roots. Poor nutrition is a major education barrier. No child should be kept from learning by hunger or household insecurity.

School children between the ages of 5 and 9 need food with a wide range of macro and micro nutrients, vitamins and minerals because it can make a huge difference between their physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.

Not only is the packaging zero waste but all of the elements are either durable with multi functions or biodegradable. Making the packaging 100% environmental friendly. In order for the product to work the target audience needs to interact with it, meaning that they are encouraged to write, create, imagine, and draw with their pencils.​​​​​​​

Packaging for Purpose - grow
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Packaging for Purpose - grow

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