Fairtrade Finland – Chocogeddon
#savethechocolate #pelastasuklaa

Chocogeddon aims to raise awareness of how climate change threatens cocoa trees and wildlife that surrounds it. 

Melting chocolate snowy owl, monkey, African elephant, and a frog starkly symbolize the earth’s heating-up and its effect on the environment. The animals were selected because they represent the fate of all wildlife as a result of climate change. In Finland, the snowy owl is extremely endangered because of climate change. Frogs all over the world are suffering, but it’s particularly poignant in Ghana, which is the world’s second-biggest cocoa producer. The African elephant will have a hard time adapting to a changing environment, and the real threat of extinction would also “speed up the climate crisis”. Monkeys in South America are vulnerable and face an “elevated risk of extinction”.

According to Fairtrade Finland, chocolate as we know it may disappear, or become a rare luxury treat, by 2050 because of predictions that rising global temperatures will affect cocoa crops. Buying Fairtrade certified chocolate has a positive impact on the environment as it supports producers with tools and practices to adapt. When producers certified as Fairtrade, they commit to environmental standards that protect the local ecosystem.

Chocogeddon gained media attention all over Europe. Talk value was evident during the campaign week as many influencers reacted, shared, and discussed the campaign messaging and challenged big brands to certify their products.
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Creative, Copywriter: Helinä Leppänen
Creative, AD: Samy Wilkman
Styling: Nikola Tomevski
Photography: Sami Välikangas
Agency: hasan & partners
Client: Fairtrade Finland


