Profiel van Sergiy Kadulin

Exterior and interior photoshoot of FUTAGO

Exterior and interior photoshoot of


Location: near Kyiv, Ukraine
Total interior area: 2500 sq.m. each side of twins building (one part photographed)

Photography & video: © Sergiy Kadulin Photography, 2020
Cameras used for production: Pentax 645z, Canon 5D Mark IV, Mavic 2 Pro.
This unique masterpiece of modern Ukrainian architecture has been created by a group of talented architects and designers under the leadership of Sergey Makhno.


Have a look at 6-seconds teaser of this home with the bird's eye, I created it with the help of DJI's Mavic 2 Pro drone.

It took me almost 6 months to photograph FUTAGO in different seasons and times of day. See below some photographs telling story of the house in the light of the Sun and the Moon.
Want to know more details about this projects from its creators? Click on the link.

To order architectural or interior photo- or video shoot, please contact Sergiy Kadulin Photography.
Exterior and interior photoshoot of FUTAGO

Exterior and interior photoshoot of FUTAGO

As a photographer, my task was to create architectural and interior photographs of exceptional modern Ukrainian architecture – FUTAGO house, desi Meer lezen
