As we are exposed to more and more information, the 'infographic' has risen to the fore due to its ability to make complicated information visually appealing. Many designers blend infographics with video ('infomotions'), constructing a narrative that flows naturally into the viewer’s consciousness.
In this issue we'll take a look at a few great examples of infomotions from around the world…
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a simple animation for busy politicians
The UK is currently experiencing a housing shortage. Without homes that they can call their own young people feel shut out, with little sense of security or independence.
The British think tank IPPR commissioned a video in conjunction with a written report that explored the social impact of the UK housing crisis. According to the report, more than half of young people renting believe that it will be at least 10 years before they can even start to think about buying their own home. Other factors contributing to the housing shortage include rising unemployment, low wages, high rents and an ageing population. The video also looks into how these problems can weaken community ties and cause problems in other areas of society. The infomotion's cute visuals are intercut with interviews with real people - 'The Locked Out Generation.' 

In order to raise awareness of this issue among policymakers and the public at large, IPPR held a conference in central London to launch the report and video. The shadow minister for housing and a number of other important figures were in attendance.
Leon, a graphic designer based in London and Gata (Spain), was commissioned to convert the original 40 page report into a 4 minute video. Leon's other clients include the Centre for Policy Studies, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the NHS Confederation. His animated versions of policy documents have been shown to the Prime Minister and members of Cabinet. At the moment he is working on another video for IPPR on the subject of immigration. When asked about the creative process behind his work, Leon replied:
"It's important to think and play. 'Think' because you must really, really understand your message in order to communicate it simply. 'Play' because ideas that sound great in theory often don't work in practice, so it is important to experiment with as many ideas as possible."
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No Place to Call Home
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No Place to Call Home

Video for IPPR about the UK housing crisis and its effect on young people. Featured in the October issue of the Japanese magazine BRAIN.

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