Cyrano Story
            My responsibilities were screenwriting, editing scripts, and directing talent. After Cyrano Story’s initial launch leading up to Moons of Madness it was released as a modified version of the live ARG experience on Steam.

“"The ARG, which will continually be updated with new content till Moons of Madness launches on PC October 22nd, utilizes Google AI in an innovative fashion – giving it control over the storyline and player interactions.

“This is by far the most advanced ARG we have ever created,” explains Andrea Doyon, Chief Storyteller at Alice & Smith. “We have basically put Google AI in charge of the game universe. You interact with it through words, like with any other AI, but it will reply using emotions, sounds, visuals or even creepy ghost whispers.”

Fear is central to, and Doyon reveals that they have taught the AI 298 human phobias for this game. This will allow the AI to identify the players worst fears based on what they input. It will also allow the AI and storyline to evolve as the game reaches new stages."

Cyrano Story

Cyrano Story

