Profiel van Odette Slotboom

Sportfolio App, logo design and online visibility

The Sportfolio App is a new dutch application, supporting and digitizing the physical education in high schools. It helps the teacher and student to get an insight on the learning process. With physical education it shouldn't be about who can run the fastest or who does the best handstand. Instead it should be about the process and the effort. 

Designing the logo
I highly agree with the point of view of the Sportfolio App, so when I got asked to design the logo for this app, I felt really honored. 

Some elements/tips I got, what they might like in a logo:
- Showing that it's about movement
- Use the letter 'S'
- Working together
- Growing/progress

I took this to the drawing table and came up with the following pencil sketches:
The founders of the Sportfolio App had one absolute favorite sketch, which I started to digitize in a few different executions.
And the next and final step was already finalizing the logo.
Visibility of the Sportfolio App
After designing their logo, I stayed in touch with the founders of the Sportfolio App. So when I had to start looking for a project for my graduation (Bachelor Communication and Multimedia Design) I met up with them to see whether I could help them out with something, which could be a good graduation project too. I ended up with the following challenging task:

'How can the Sportfolio App reach, inform and convince it's target group as fully and efficiently as possible?'

I won't describe my whole research here, but I did research what the unique selling points of the Sportfolio App where in my opinion, how they reach and inform there target group at the moment, and especially: how does the target group want to be reached? Where do physical education teachers start looking for new innovations for their lessons?

In the end I delivered several products:
1. Information video (explanimation video)
This video has the purpose to deliver the most crucial information about the Sportfolio App in less then 2 minutes. 
2. Social media templates
The designed templates can be used for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The idea is that there are several categories that can be posted about on social media, and give people immediately a clear idea of what kind of post it is, but also to create diversity on the social media pages.

The different categories:
- Information posts (about events or facts about the app)
- Update posts (to inform everyone about new or improved features within the app)
- Quotes (from schools, teachers and students that work with the app, to share their opinion and experiences)
- Movies (to show parts of the app, or short vlogs where schools, teachers and students that work with the app share their opinion and experiences)
3. Short animations
I created short animations/visuals to support texts on the website.
Sportfolio App, logo design and online visibility

Sportfolio App, logo design and online visibility
