Elena Manfredi's profile

Legatum | A bridge from poverty to prosperity

Legatum | A bridge from poverty to prosperity

Legatum is a private investment firm based in Dubai. Its portfolio includes investments in activities promoting entrepreneurship and free enterprise, programs creating policies and
initiatives to alleviate poverty. The brand identity was developed drawing upon the symbolism of the pinecone – which throughout recorded human history has represented human enlightenment and prosperity. This brand conveys elegance, balance and heritage. Those characteristics are reinforced by the use of a serif typography, logomark, colour palette, choice of photography over a variety of reports, stationery and other printed material.

Role Senior designer
Agency Smith Dawson
Deliverables Branding, stationery, invite,
a wide range of kind of printed materials,
ads, art direction of photography
Legatum | A bridge from poverty to prosperity

Legatum | A bridge from poverty to prosperity
