Profilo di Crystal Compton

Brace Yourself: The World's Sexiest "Knee Brace"

This knee “brace” is created from a pair of stockings that integrates sensors along the back of the leg, which trigger a vibrotactile stimulus that alerts the user to harmful movements of the knee joint. These sensors are developed with conductive thread on a cover stitch sewing machine. They are purposefully designed to create a vertical line down the back of the leg that appears to look like a seam. This seam is one that mimics the popular fashion trend of vintage nylons that were very prevalent during war times of the 1940’s. This knee brace design integrates vintage style of the past with new wearable technology of the future.

Accepted to the 2013 International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) Design Exhibition
Featured by the BBC
Brace Yourself: The World's Sexiest "Knee Brace"

Brace Yourself: The World's Sexiest "Knee Brace"
