Profilo di Bo-Xun YouProfilo di Tsai-Yu Kuo

2018 國立交通大學 開業典禮 NCTU Commencement

National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) 2018 Commencement
Be The Light of The World

2018 交通大學開業典禮

交通大學是台灣頂尖的電資工程大學,全校大學、碩博生合計約有15000位學生,每年將近4000位同學參與當年度畢業典禮。 從民國104年開始,交通大學開始嘗試將畢業典禮的視覺交由設計團隊負責,當時就讀於交大應用藝術所的我們在校期間執行了多項校園美感改進方案,設計內容從校園識別到各院所網站,而學校看到了成果將這次的設計委託給我們。 這次設計圍繞著校長期許同學畢業的勉勵詞「同行致遠,為世界之光」,成為設計主軸,以"光線"作為主要語彙與元素,跳脫平面設計的框架,以實際燈光打造出舞台與候車亭,讓理念化為現實,讓光線跳脫平面。我們利用交大代表色藍色搭配光束線條,利用印刷、燈板的特殊加工做出層次,打破畢業典禮既定印象。這次的設計也考慮了未來兼容性,在門楣、燈板上都能重複利用,除了設計,也能永續。

National Chiao Tung university Commencement 2018
Event Visual Identity

National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) is one of Taiwan's top engineering universities, with a total student population of approximately 15,000, including undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students. Nearly 4,000 students participate in the annual graduation ceremony. Starting from the year 2015, NCTU began experimenting with entrusting the visual aspects of the graduation ceremony to a design team. During our time as students in the Applied Arts department at NCTU, we implemented various campus aesthetic improvement projects, ranging from campus branding to departmental websites. The university noticed our achievements and commissioned us for this design project. The design for this ceremony is centered around the inspirational message from the university president, "Walking Together, Shining for the World." "Light" serves as the primary theme and element, breaking free from the confines of traditional flat design. We transformed this concept into reality by using actual lighting to create the stage and waiting pavilions, allowing the idea to transcend the two-dimensional plane. We utilized NCTU's representative color, blue, in combination with beams of light, using special printing and lighting panel techniques to add depth and dimension, thereby challenging the established impression of the graduation ceremony. This design also takes future compatibility into consideration, with elements such as the door lintel and lighting panels designed for reuse, ensuring sustainability.


cooperate with Tsai-Yu Kuo, Shang-Shun Lu
Wun-Siou Lin, Yi-Tzu Hsiao, Jun-Yi Jiang
responsible for typography, layout

2018 國立交通大學 開業典禮 NCTU Commencement

2018 國立交通大學 開業典禮 NCTU Commencement
