For the layout of the postcard I used a minimalist grid structure that showcases the bakery on the side with the
address and on the reverse side a picture of the customers favorite dessert. I used Franklin Gothic Book and
Franklin Gothic Heavy because they are contemporary looking sans-serif typefaces that work great for
headlines and minimal copy. My choice of designed was influenced by all the recipients being former
customers. This allowed for there to be minimal simple text with a larger focus on imagery. Having already
purchased from the bakery meant they simply needed a nudge to visit again and did not need a full rundown of
the bakery.

Art and Print: 
To follow the Postal Service requirements, I followed a template for a 6in X 9in postcard with boundaries for
the USPS Intelligent Barcode, address section, postage, and return address. I used photoshop to convert all
images to the size of the frame needed in InDesign and converted all to a 200 resolution as well. I used .125in
bleeds for the pages. The records in the excel sheet are ordered by zip code for the post office.

To appeal to customers, I offered them their favorite dessert for free and used an image of their favorite
dessert on the postcard. For the top 25% of active customers I rewarded them with an additional 50% off their
entire purchase. The color of the background changes based on the customers gender, blue for males and
pink for females. The blue is a stronger color that will generally resonate with males while the softer and more
delicate pink is better suited for the majority of females.
VDP Bakery Postcard

VDP Bakery Postcard
