Karin Culliton's profile

YWCA Toronto Women of Distinction 2018

Transforming Lives. Creative Direction for YWCA Toronto's Women of Distinction, Video and Print assets. Karin Culliton (2018)
YWCA Toronto Women of Distinction 2018: As the creative director, I oversaw all design work and video production. My responsibilities encompassed creating eight introductory videos, each played before a speaker's address, and crafting a short documentary (featured below) showcasing YWCA Toronto's services. The fundraising video was profoundly moving and well-received. In addition to video assets and motion design, I also managed the creation of print materials, including a booklet, program, advertising materials, invitations and tickets. 

Creative Concept: Our creative concept for that year drew inspiration from the artistry of watercolour paintings. Just as watercolour spreads and enriches a canvas, our design concept symbolized how YWCA Toronto's influence extends across the city, making it more vibrant and beautiful. Hand-drawn elements from the print materials were animated in the video assets to imbue the highly-produced profiles with an organic feel, mirroring the creative journey each woman embarked on to shape her career and destiny.

Country: Canada
Language: English
Client: YWCA Toronto
Tools: Premiere, After Effects, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Sony A7sii
YWCA Toronto Women of Distinction 2018