The goal and purpose of this assignment is to develop a logo with its design system and the design elements. 

The task is to design a logo for fiction company called Tea Factory. 
The design system is based on design elements, logo, typography, images and colors.

Tea Factory, the aroma of brewing a variety of teas. The coming together of the two (tea and factory) represented by the tea cup and the cog allows for an absolute experience.

Logo variations, placing the logo in both white and black backgrounds. The original logo is in black and the color is reversed on dark backgrounds.

Exclusion Zone
Exclusion Zone is a space that is a vital part of any visual communication - especially clear space, the area surrounding the logo that is kept free of any text or graphic elements. This ensures that the logo stands out distinctively in any environment.
Logo Guidelines

Top Row:
- Do not squeeze the logo.
- Do not stretch the logo.
- Do not alter the name of the company.
- Do not invert the logo under any circumstances.
- Do not take away element of the logo.
- Do not change the color of the logo.
-Do not flip the logo vertically or horizontally
-Do not distort the logo
For continuity and simplicity, we use only two typefaces in our communications. This applies to the business documents, promotional materials, displays, product labels, signs, webpages and other media.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et lacus quis dui ornare vulputate. Nullam gravida dolor varius elementum egestas. Morbi sed lectus magna. Quisque in lectus vel nulla pharetra convallis. Phasellus vel molestie orci. Ut interdum nulla a quam molestie, tristique tincidunt purus egestas. Vivamus vel sollicitudin leo, vitae placerat justo. Morbi sollicitudin molestie lacus.
Nulla facilisi. Integer suscipit fringilla placerat. Nam dui neque, ullamcorper ut eleifend eget, ullamcorper non libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. 
Typography Guidelines

Top row:
- Do not use italics in the content.
- Do not interchange the specified typefaces.

Bottom row:
- Do not use another typeface. Use only the specified typeface.
- Do not use upper case in the body text.
The images used are inspired from our audience – the young and old, rich and poor, customers and partners, all alike. We use dynamic, candid as well as staged images.
Image Logo Guidelines

- Do not place the logo above the main content of the image.
- Do not use the black logo on a dark background.
Colors add vibrancy and promotes name and brand recognition. The Tea Factory color palette is personal and approachable and coveys our brand’s dynamism. Our primary colors are neutral palette of black and white along with a mustard yellow color.
Shapes are another basic element in graphic design. They pertain to the figures and forms that are geometric, organic or abstract making up all the other elements in design. Circles represent eternity because they have no beginning or end. They likewise represent free movement, but are also widely used to protect and restrict.
This project has been fun and insightful through out the process. It teaches the importances of design systems and the proper hierarchy and usage of the design elements, colors, shapes, typograhy, images and text. 
The project has helped in understaning the importance of ideation, research and tiny details to observe. 



Creative Fields