Madeleine Leddy's profile

Reev // Logo & identité visuelle

Logo et identité visuelle : Reev, startup française​​​​​​​
Reev, startup fondée par un duo d'ingénieurs double-diplômés de Supaéro (Toulouse) et HEC, révolutionne les prothèses pour les personnes atteintes d'un léger handicap moteur : ils commercialisent un exosquelette intelligent et adaptateur à un prix accessible, leur objectif étant d'assurer la mobilité pour tous. 

Le nom "Reev" s'agit d'une composition des deux mots anglais "rehabilitation" (rééducation) et "evolution" (évolution), deux des principes fondateurs de l'entreprise.


Reev, a startup founded by a duo of alumni of the dual-degree program between Supaéro and HEC (respectively, one of France's most prestigious engineering schools and one of its most prestigious business schools), is revolutionizing the medical prosthesis market for patients with mild motor disabilities. With the overall goal of ensuring mobility for all, they will be selling one of the first intelligent exoskeletons at a mass-market price.

The name "Reev" comes from the contraction of "rehabilitation" and "evolution," two of the startup's founding principles.

As they set out to conquer what remains a largely underdeveloped market, Reev's challenge is not only to make a highly technical product (generally reserved for severe cases and only available to a limited number of practitioners) more accessible, but also to communicate this product's value in a mass-market way.​​​​​​​

Reev // Logo & identité visuelle

Reev // Logo & identité visuelle
