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Tips For Quality Sleep

1.         Check Pillow Position

Did you know that pillow position plays a huge role when it comes to sleep quality? Yea! It is wise to match your pillow based on your preferred sleeping position. For example, if you are a stomach sleeper, then you need to invest in a very flat pillow or simply sleep without one. If you love sleeping on your side, then you should consider placing a pillow between the knees to relieve pressure. Also, consider having a fluffier pillow to place under the head for support (this supports the natural spine curve). A memory foam pillow can be the best option for the support you need in such a situation.

2.         Breathing deeply

There are reasons why in Yoga classes, a person has to focus on breathing. The primary goal of deep breathing is calming the nervous system, and also allows more oxygen to enter the bloodstream.

3.         The Benefit Of A Comfortable Mattress

To get a night of better sleep, one must have a comfortable place to lay on. As such, having a comfortable mattress may be all that one needs to have good sleep quality. Read these Awara mattress reviews. Maybe it is time for out with the old and in with a new one.

4.         Having The Right Pillow

It may be time for an upgrade if you are still sleeping on a lumpy pillow from your college days.  When it comes to choosing a pillow, it is recommended to go for maximum support for both the neck and head.

5.         Bedroom Temperature Regulation

Sometimes, a person cannot get a quality sleep simply because of their bedroom temperature (either too hot or too cold). According to experts, the optimum temperature for sleep is 60 to 67 degrees for a majority of us. Although this might seem to be on a cold side, actually it is not. It has been proven that cooler temperature helps decrease body temperature, which occurs at the beginning of the sleep.

6.         Technology Distractions

Many people fail to sleep simply because of technology distractions. When you want to sleep, it is wise to switch off your cellphone, TV, Laptop, and any other distractions you may have. In fact, it is recommended that you associate the bedroom with sleeping and not have those technologies in the bedroom.

It has been proven that screens produce blue light, which is bright as daylight. This blue light discourages sleep because it tricks the body by thinking it is daytime. Therefore, investing in blue light filtering apps will help you eliminate factors that prevent a night of good quality sleep. As such, you should consider blue light eliminating apps such as Unblue (for Apple) or Twilight (for android).

Tips For Quality Sleep

Tips For Quality Sleep
