Mart Biemans sin profil

EMI Production Music - EPIC SPORTS II

Clients: EMI Production Music / Sony/ATV Music Publishing
Art Direction: Mart Biemans​​​​​​​
Digital Art: Mart Biemans

EMI Production Music – a division of Sony/ATV Music Publishing – is renowned as a market leader across the globe and is home to prolific music labels KPM, Music House, Juice, Ded Good and many more. Our music is specifically created for use in media and, using our rich history and acute expertise, we dedicate ourselves to continually providing fresh and relevant content for our clients worldwide.​​​​​​​
The artwork:
I started the artwork in vector, I really like to draw in Adobe Illustrator and it suits my style of drawing more then Photoshop. The stadium was based on a 3D model from Shutterstock and then heavily modified in Photoshop to suit the style the client was looking for. 
The making of:

Thank you!
EMI Production Music - EPIC SPORTS II


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EMI Production Music - EPIC SPORTS II

More dynamic, adrenaline-fuelled sports cues, including drum n bass, electronica, trap and hip hop
