Ritz Crackers - L'elemento dissonante

Student Work
Brand: Ritz Crackers

Brief: Renew the brand image of Ritz, including logo and tone of voice

Concept: Ritz Crackers can virtually be combined with all kinds of food. We used this product’s plus to challenge our consumers: is there in the world an item unsuitable with Ritz Crackers? If so, consumers were invited to post on the Facebook page their suggestions. In other words, to fill the limit between the two crackers (“Ritz’s the limit”)
Design of the brand new logo.
Subject #1
Subject #2
Subject #3
Facebook page + App ("Ritz's the Limit. Fill the Limit.")
Mobile App
Ritz Crackers - L'elemento dissonante

Ritz Crackers - L'elemento dissonante

Student Project for Havas Italy
