I was doing my best
to stand still
in a tree pose (yogis will know)
breathing deep
feeling centred
reaching out for sky...
And then
all kinds of birds
started to gather on my wide!
(By 'birds' I mean ' thoughts'!)

After failing to concentrate in a Tree pose, 
I have tried it in a Crow pose.
Not sure if I was any good at it either.
At least my mind have reached a state of a crow hopping from one leg to another - from one thought "I am too weak for this pose"
to another "I am strong I can do it" and again to: "I don't have the strength"... 
But I guess in yoga, same as in the creative process, the most important thing is to show up and just do what you can do at this given moment.

Let it be my first project here! Hello :)
Crow & Other Birds


Crow & Other Birds
