Jonathan Calugi's profileDevice Studio's profile

Guuk - Let’s Reconnect
Hi folks. It's a strange moment all around the world. hope to give you a smile with these lines.
I had the opportuinity to do an amazing series of drawing for a new Basque telco called Guuk. Guuk it's two point connected by a line, like all my work.
Past and present in a continuous loop. Hope you like it and thanks for your love.
“We are living in the intricate age of information overload, spread all over and saturated by multi-platform media. And it’s time to reconnect."

I want to start with something really special for me!
And this thanks to the amazing guys at Devicer that made the animation!
They are genious. Also i have to say a giant thanks
to the amazing guys at SUMMERAGENCY that direct this work in this line :)
And another thanks to Machas for manage all of this at:) yeah!

Some frame from the video.

This is the world of guuk all inside the logo. Humans reconnection.
Logo Animation By my man Simone Brillarelli.

And it's time to enter in the world of Guuk. This is one of the first image....
Welcome to our world.

the above image are mockup based on design.

this is another animation for another campaign.

Campaign for the arrive of 5g.

Image for the campaign of internet TV :)

And here we are more image to come more line to draw more connection to explore.
Ciao Ciao!!!

Share with love with everyone you want :)

follow instagram and spread love!!!

Guuk - Let’s Reconnect

Guuk - Let’s Reconnect

“We are living in the intricate age of information overload, spread all over and saturated by multi-platform media. And it’s time to reconnect." Read More
