Perfil de Ti-Ming Chu

《半島風聲 相放伴》- 舞臺劇原聲帶 專輯裝幀設計

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半島風聲相放伴 舞臺劇原聲帶


本演出《 半島風聲相放伴 》係由屏東縣政府委託「 台南人劇團 」與「 斜槓青年創作體 」攜手共同製作的演出計畫,為「2019半島歌謠祭」之演出節目。以「 唱民謠的女人 」為主題,以恆春在地的女性月琴傳人作為整齣戲的發展核心,以月琴作為引子,深入理解月琴如何與她們的生活互相交織。導演朱怡文帶領創作團隊與在地傳藝師、青年學子們,為恆春半島之民謠打造專屬於在地的故事,透過屏東新世代創作者的視角,帶領觀眾看見恆春與滿州特殊的人文風俗與地景,看見在地記憶的傳承與轉化,藉由劇場藝術的結合,使得民謠擁有更多元的傳唱可能與表現形式。





Development for the performance is focused squarely on professional yueqin players of Hengchun, Pingtung. In the presentation, music from the yueqin serves as the point of introduction before the audience is given an in-depth look at the intertwining of the musical instrument Yuki and the lives of the women.   

The Peninsula Book Store is the place where it all began; in the small stationary shop where the lives of three women— Aman, Achun and Yuki— came together. One of the three,Yuki is known in the village as the queen of “taking care of business”. If anything came up, all you had to do was let her at it. When she got involved, resolutions were just waiting to be reached. The second, Aman is a woman of constant hardship from the mountains who only slept three hours a day just so that she could let her younger brother and sister go to school. The third, Achun lives in the city, but every week when she needed to take the bus from Hungchun to go do her studies, all she had to do was think about the ride and she started feeling car sick.   

The design concept is a symbol of life and growth. The yueqin is played by folks who use music to share their life experiences, and the use of black ink creates a visual of a twilight.

In an age where women still didn’t have many choices, these ladies needed to solve life’s problems on their own. Nevertheless, companionship generates power—and they supported one another; and with the purest of singing, gave each other company. They were there for one another in a world where there was very little choice.  

Publishing Organization | 屏東縣政府
Publishing Unit| 屏東縣政府文化處
Production Unit| 好有感覺音樂事業有限公司 
Art Direction| Derjk Wu
Project Manager|王思雯
Design | Ti-Ming Chu Workshop
Print| 艾斯創意印刷
Photography | 無二創意 設計x攝影
Special Thanks | Carmen LYM, Dylan Lin, Hong Da, Hsieh Chiayu, Noodle Wang, Vocelyn You

《半島風聲 相放伴》- 舞臺劇原聲帶 專輯裝幀設計
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《半島風聲 相放伴》- 舞臺劇原聲帶 專輯裝幀設計

半島風聲相放伴 舞台劇原聲帶

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