AD 02.05 & CW 02.03 TV ADVERTISING
The Ask: Create a 30 sec TVC (television commercial) and an accompanying double page spread print ad for one of the following beloved South African brands: 1. Mrs Balls Extra Hot Chutney or Mrs Balls Chakalaka Chutney 2. Spur Unreal Breakfast Special 3. Ouma Plain Rusks (sliced) 4. Clover Amasi 5. Jungle Oats Instant.

The Solution: My group (Cheylin Wertheim, Megan Erasmus) and I chose to formulate, produce, shoot and edit an advert for Ouma Plain Rusks sliced because rusks have played such a central role in many of our lives be it in childhood or to this day. 

The Ask: Create a content promo and poster for a government department aimed at changing a consumer behaviour.

The Solution: I aimed to, on a large scale, tackle the crippling wealth and wage inequality in South Africa. I intended to do so by partnering with the Department of Small Business Development and Capitec to create a PSA encouraging people to shop at local and small businesses
Digital Minor 2 – App Design, Prototyping & Development
The Ask: You will be applying the process of User-Centered Design in the creation of a mobile application. Your task is open-ended. You will create an application for a mobile device, targeting a mobile operating system. Normally, your starting point would be to find a well-defined set of users, observe them, and devise a mobile application that either solves a problem they have; or fulfils a need they didn't know they had.

The Solution:  Through my research and taking into consideration the global situation when taking on this brief I realised that there was not necessarily a place where people could either showcase or view art with the same essence as a gallery. I set about designing such a thing in the style of my favourite art movement, De Stijl, and combined it with my colourful approach. 
Digital Minor 2 – Motion Graphics 1
The Ask: Choose two facts and turn them into interesting animations that illustrate them. I encourage you to find compelling ways to communicate the fact. Don’t just repeat the fact as a literal visual, find lateral ways to communicate the information. Each video needs to be approximately 5 – 10 seconds (more than that is okay). You can use audio or voice over in your work, but all the imagery must be your own. Additionally, you cannot use any video footage.

The Solution: I loved this fun and quirky brief and it's excellent choice of show to base it on. It was also my first proper experience with Adobe After Effects which was a tad tricky at times but I got the hang of it and was very happy with how it turned out.
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