Tsai Chia-Hao 님의 프로필

映畫術 Cinematograph

Cinematograph by Akihiko Shiota
publishing date: 2020.2
映畫術 その演出はなぜ心をつかむのか

最後,幾何中融入的日文章節名稱,在內封與幾何圖形分別拆開至封面、封底, 作為讓讀者發現封面上碎散日文之來源的小線索。
The main theme and subtitle of the book emphasize film directing. The author himself is a director, therefore the design focuses on the director’s perspective. The director’s megaphone is used as the imaginative element, disassembled into the geometry on the front cover of book jacket (the megaphone icon are also placed on the back cover, the inside cover and the book tummy band deliberately). The repetition of stills are used to represent the montage of film. 
The compression, expansion, or deformation of the geometry also symbolizes the various angles of the director. And the shaded facial expressions of the characters provide the viewer with different imagination: the faces, expressions, and actions of the actors are one of the main focus of this book. 
Finally, the section titled in Japanese in the geometry is spread across the front and back of inside cover respectively, as a small clue for readers to discover the source of the broken Japanese text on the front cover of book jacket. 
映畫術 Cinematograph

映畫術 Cinematograph
