Millennial Campus
The Millennial Campus comes in a time where the lack of decent residential halls seize to exist in a nation well known for it’s higher education standards, a campus that reflects the timeline we live in containing dorms, social areas, recreational centers and an innovation center for students that live or came to study in Jordan maintaining the same privileges students from around the world attain. Moreover, deeply integrating the whole aspects of the campus to the millennial ideas architecturally, psychologically and sustainably. A mentally, psychologically and physically healthy influential campus.
Needs of the project
Covid-19, parks, greenery, landscape, accessibility, commercial diversity, non-depressing are all keywords this campus addresses, a survey was conducted and answered by students living in dorms to seek out their direct thoughts on the place they live in and how they feel about it. A complete lack of student interest from their universities on the living conditions they encounter or must either adapt to or self-rehabilitation to the dorms or studios they choose to live in. 
The philosophy here to achieve such outcomes comes directly from living in a healthy society. Healthy lifestyles thus creating a healthy individual affecting his/her overall life and their adamic aspect.
The path to create such an environment is to take in consideration the R.L.P 
( Residential living philosophy) the philosophy that is built on five main aspects that directly affects a student’s life.
It is because these aspects are introduced, challenged and
polished where the outcome can lead to two entirely
different human beings depending on the community he/she lives in. 
Conceptual Form Analysis
Sustainable Layers
Passive Layers
Active Layer
Solar Energy
Water Harvest
Technical Drawings
3D Masterplan Isometric 
Masterplan - Site plan 
Masterplan - Ground Floor Level of Functions
Ground Floor Isometric 
First Floor Isometric
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Innovation Center
Ground Floor Isometric
First Floor Isometric
Second Floor Isometric
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Recreational Center
Male Gym - Ground Floor Isometric
Female Gym - Ground Floor Isometric
Café - Study Hall / First Floor  Isometric
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
Medical and Management Center 
Ground Floor Isometric
Ground Floor Plan
Millennial Campus

Millennial Campus
