Edu VR
Edu VR is a VR interactive tool for teaching about high school level physics concepts. Its goal is to present interactive physics situation that teach students about various concepts in physics like the types of collisions, friction, gravity, pendulums, etc.

I was one of several programmers on the project, and my main role was to focus on the VR interaction with the demos. So I focused on things like hand tracking and other forms of user input, and how they affected the various simulations. 
It was interesting to try to use all the new types of interaction VR allows to get users involved with the teaching experience. Integrating hand tracking and interaction was a challenge, but seeing its effect on the demos was fun. We also had to allow for both motion controller and keyboard based interaction just in case the user did not have access to controllers, as of course accessibility for teaching tools is incredibly important. So making sure both were a viable control solution was also something that had to be dealt with, mostly by the use of in game prompts and less granular triggers and interactions for the keyboard variations.

