Perfil de David Sypniewski

Power of algorithms - interactive installation

“Power of algorithms”
interactive installation / social experiment
The subject of the third edition of the Świat pod Lupą (World under the Magnifying Glass) conference was power. Also this incomprehensible and universal power of algorithms, indispensable companions of modern life. That is why we proposed a small social experiment whose aim was to show how easily and thoughtlessly we give in to this power.
People registering for the conference, after receiving the materials and signing the list, were asked to scan their hands in a small, black box, on top of which a red or blue light was displayed. It determined what color their ID would be and in which part of the room they would have to sit. If the people came together but were given different colored identifiers, they had to separate.
An experiment was explained at the opening lecture: the color of the lights was chosen randomly by the algorithm, and how the audience was divided was ruled by chance.
I was a co-author of the concept, I has coded the installation. The visual identification of the event was designed by Rzeczyobrazkowe studio.
Power of algorithms - interactive installation

Power of algorithms - interactive installation

