Kaylyn Kemp's profile

Grand - Ageism in the fashion industry

Note: This is a student project and has not been used commercially. Therefore, images and credit is referenced below.

These images were used and the patterns were edited on
1. Elena Dudar. 2019. Behance: Мать и дочь (Online). Available: https://www.behance.net/gallery/84870377/mat-i-doch (Accessed 8 October 2020).
2. Superbalist. 2020. Mango: Basic blouse - white (Online).  Available: https://superbalist.com/women/tops/blouses/basic-b-blouse-white/598181?gclid=CjwKCAjwiOv7BRBREiwAXHbv3D8s4Dbye5K7u8amckPSwzFB4ntGqHxeQYf5EdgcnjlWwztAyMqinBoCGAAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds (Accessed 8 October 2020).
Grand - Ageism in the fashion industry


Grand - Ageism in the fashion industry

Solving ageism in the fashion industry might sound far fetched. But it all starts at home - simply with the relationships between grandmothers an Read More
