Jason Glenisters profil

Hong Kong International Poster Triennial

The of aim of Hong Kong International Poster Triennial was to establish Hong Kong as a world city in the arena of collecting and promoting poster design, assembling a distinct international poster collection and fostering graphic design education and culture exchange with other countries and regions. This year’s activity has “Still & Motion” as its theme.

The festival in Hong Kong is celebrated at the time of the new moon that appears between the 21st of January and the 20th of February. Lion Dances, as well as Dragon Dances are common during Chinese New Year as it is believed that the loud cymbals and drums, combined with the ferocity of the lions and dragon will frighten away evil spirits.

This concept celebrates the playful suspense and build up that takes place prior to the big reveal on the opening night of the Lantern Carnival in order to promote and establish the event. I decided to make the poster playful by using bright colours that would resonate with a western audience. Neon is also popular in Asian countries.
Hong Kong International Poster Triennial

Hong Kong International Poster Triennial
