Ana Maria Alonso Foreros profil

Get The Job You Want by Enjoy Australia

I worked at Enjoy Australia from 2016 until 2018. During that time, I worked with the Marketing Manager in the production of Branding and Advertising Material for the Organisation. As part of my tasks, I design the stationery, flyers and brochures used by the Agency. The process involved presenting different concepts, finalising the design and liaising with the Printing Company to order all the new material. Enjoy Australia and Get The Job You Want, participated in different events and conferences across Australia, Brazil and Colombia. As such, I was in charge of designing different flyers and ad materials for each event. Some of the events were held in English and VET Schools, as well as in other Agencies in Brazil and Colombia. I designed the materials in the correspondent language of the event, either in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
Get The Job You Want by Enjoy Australia

Get The Job You Want by Enjoy Australia
