L'altra parte

L'altra parte is a visual book: a book that shows at first sight the atmospheres felt while reading, and gives hints about its deeper meaning.
The novel The Other Side by Alfred Kubin tells about an imaginary journey to the Kingdom of Dream, a metaphor for the Unconscious. Along the journey, the author's alter ego finds out, through the power of imagination, that his and the kingdom's destinies have already been written. 
My visual concept for this novel is fog as a symbol of human condition, clouding of consciousness and inscrutability of fate.
As the author was an illustrator and had provided his novel with 52 illustrations, I applied a fog effect to 21 of his original drawings: I divided them into perspective planes and printed each of them onto different translucent layers, so that the result is an impression of a deeper perspective and misty landscape.
One of the author's original illustrations: The Clock Tower
Five layers into which the illustration has been divided
Digital preview of the fog effect
Printed example of one of the illustrations, and how it changes while turning the pages: Streets of Pearl
I also applied a gradual disturbance to all the text, though without compromising the readability, according to the development of mystery and chaos in the novel.
The fog effect on the text
Last intervention was to place as text background enlarged details of the illustrations, symbolising destiny as a drawing of which we can only catch a glimpse.
L'altra parte

L'altra parte

Degree project: a visual book of the novel 'The Other Side' by Alfred Kubin
