jeff .exe's profile

Supercult Minicomic

In June of 2020, the heavy metal band Morganthus contacted jeff.exe to enlist his help to create an album cover for their forthcoming EP “Supercult”. The concept, created by Doug Miller (lead guitars and vocals), was “can you have a guy preaching to a crowd with his face torn off and everyone’s eyes and ears are bleeding?” The response from jeff.exe was simple: “yes”.

In the subsequent weeks, jeff.exe listened to the new track by Morganthus, while working on the concepts for the album cover. The Sabbath-inspired track was the perfect backdrop to creating a dark, 80s-style comic book nightmare which pays homage to 80s b-movies such as “They Live” and “Demons”.

Jeff.exe finished the initial draft of the album cover to the band and they loved it. Colby, the bassist of the group said, “I am rarely at a loss for words. That’s incredible.” The response was so good, jeff.exe pitched them on an idea he had while creating it, which as to do a minicomic based on the concept of the song. The band was 100% on board.
Over the course of several months, jeff.exe wrote, penciled, inked, and colored what would become the accompanying minicomic “Supercult” about a religious leader named Marcus Perry who tricks his followers and the world at large into watching a live broadcast of “The Gathering” where he both reveals himself as an agent of evil, but also forces them to listen to his music which turns them into zombies who bleed from their eyes and ears. The artwork is distressed, and the design style is a throwback to the 70s and 80s comic books that have misregistered colors, dot patterns, and basic primary color palettes.

The comic is included in the packaging for the CD, which can be purchased on Morganthus bandcamp website. You can also download the minicomic here for free and buy a physical copy here which jeff.exe will ship to you via USPS.

Jeff.exe is available to work on movie posters, posters for rock shows, album covered, special one-shot drawings, and other projects. Just use the contact form.
To buy a print copy of the book or download a free digital PDF copy, go to website and go through the checkout process. Thank you so much for your interest in this project!
Supercult Minicomic

Supercult Minicomic
