In this new mix k-willy our panda offers us a journey to the heart our brains that abound in sound memory. it invites us to be like a neuronal electron that runs through the brain lobes of our memories. the tracks follow each other and develop like a fractal image

Dans ce nouveau mix k-willy notre panda nous propose un voyage au cœur de nos cerveaux qui regorgent de mémoire sonore. il nous invite à être comme un électron neuronal qui traverse les lobes cérébraux de nos souvenirs. les pistes se succèdent et se développent comme une image fractale

mixed by  k-willy  ||  art work by  k-willy

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No use of the photos and music is allowed.
If you do not have the express written permission of me you can not use these images for any purpose.
Any unauthorized use in any format will be prosecuted.
You have been warned!

                         for you boothaï 😉



