Perfil de Raw & RenderedPerfil de Jay Klos

Aveda: Botanical Repair

Gráficos animados
After Effects
Aveda - Botanical Repair
Direction, Design, Look Development, TEXTURING & LIGHTING, ANIMATIOn, COMPOSITING
Short // 0:60 // 2020


Direction, Design & Animation: Raw & Rendered
Music & Sound Design: Jay Klos

Aveda chose Raw & Rendered to realize the power of its breakthrough botanical repair™ technology — triple-layer hair repair that delivers strength, protection, and repair without compromise.

Raw & Rendered was tasked with creating a compelling hero identity that would uplift Aveda’s brand and mission, and to craft a thoughtful, digital-first campaign broad enough to meet regional needs, and robust enough to last multiple years.

Raw & Rendered created a world that bridged inspiring storytelling with scientific research and information, reinforcing Aveda's position rooted in scientific authority.

Hair Look Development

Hair Cuticle Transitions

Cortex Strengthening & Bonding Technology

Cuticle & Macro Green Blending Technology

Plant Powered Technology
Thank you.
Aveda: Botanical Repair