Perfil de Keonna Paris

Spoken Word Promotion

Videography and Promotion
Inspirational video - Spoken Word
Promotional video
This creative piece marries visual media with written work to produce a creative arts piece that causes new and seasoned christians to reflect on who is seated in their life and who they are following the example of.  

Research in theology and poetry
Audio recording 
Video editing

I was in-charge of all creative, filming and editing aspects in this project resulting in this video being shared globally partnering with other churches, singers and speakers. 

I received an inquiry to work with another church using this piece on a broader scale. I was able to work with a church in Arizona that promoted this piece through social media and websites. The final promotional content used in combination with other ministers was able to reach many people on a global scale. ​​​​​​​
Promotional Poster
Spoken Word Promotion

Spoken Word Promotion
