Curation of the TNC gallery space in the Lower East Side. This show was an effort to collect artists that would naturally produce work to have a cohesive and dynamic interaction together. Dealing with the basic concept of myth: at once primordial, stark, heavy, myth is also dynamic, inspiring, organic and transmutative. No single piece can encompass all aspects, and relies upon the connection of others to further compell the story.
cover image by Heather McPherson
Jasper Goodrich
Heather McPherson
Heather McPherson (right)
Jasper Goodrich (center)
Jasper Goodrich (center), Shon Mahoney (far right)
Meghan Howland, Jess George, and Jeremy Enecio
Pat Corrigan
Morgan Blair
Nathan Schiel
Jasper Goodrich (top)
Nicholas Bach, Meghan Howland

From Director Peter J. Ketchum

"...[the show collects] work reflecting themes familiar in myth and materials
used across centuries. The mix includes primordial,
abstract, or stark designs; figurative or embellished visions,  
bursts of light and sudden threatening darkness.
Similar to the many-eyed perspective of Argus the
mythological giant with one hundred eyes, the artists depict their
own ideas of myth and its relationship to true experience
or invented truths, much like ancient storytellers who gave
their own spin to the folkloric tales they told...
the Arcadian Argus was called All-Seeing, a giant who was
watchful and alert. Today his name is attached to a camera,
a surveillance system , a DC comics character, a bionic
eye, a computer game, and monitoring software. The artists
selected share in this watchfulness, monitoring carefully
what they see with a mere twenty-two eyes."

Peter J. Ketchum, August 24, 2013
Pat Corrigan
Shon Mahoney
Nicholas Bach
Jess George
...and me
Eastern Argus