Half Kitchen Rebranding 半吊子廚房品牌更新

The Half Kitchen 半吊子廚房
2017年2月,創辦人夫妻倆,因為農曆大年初五的時候因為友人的相約,到市集擺攤做義賣以玩票性質的方式草創, 有著穩定工作的兩人經過這次的嘗試後,興起了創業的想法,在這幾年的時間下班之餘做了許多產品販售,其中也 遭遇了原有工作的疲倦,兩人相約一起出來正式成立品牌。

目前主要以網路經營販售為主,由於品牌過於混亂(視覺意象),所以在經營面上無法拉高售價,未來將統整品牌 視覺並使其質感化,未來將以鹹蛋雪球作為主要販售商品,致力成為鹹蛋雪球專賣店,以新竹伴手禮為首要目標, 延伸至台灣、國外伴手禮。


Couples with Hsinchu souvenirs as their primary goal, are committed to becoming a salted egg snowball specialty store. In the brand planning, we propose to simplify the product category and unify the customized gift box product line, visually retain the original trademark pet image, and redesign it to simplify The lines are easy to apply, and the visual color of the brand is unified. The overall color tone is mainly gray, which reverses the visual tone of the brand and gets a good improvement.

Creative Director | Wei Cheng Lin / 林委呈
Designer | Ya Fei Yang / 楊雅妃
Client | The Half Kitchen / 半吊子廚房

Half Kitchen Rebranding 半吊子廚房品牌更新

Project Made For

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