Grasshopper code

3D printed parametric crutch caps design concept

Being mostly associated with illnesses and lack of comfort, orthopaedic crutches aren’t usually objects of desire. Although of course they are a useful tool, they can, however, become a source of visual stigma for their users. Having conducted medical accessories market research, we have observed a low level of aesthetics of available products and their limited adaptability to individual needs. That is why we have decided to act and change this situation by creating the opportunity for their users to personalise their crutch caps.

SPIRALE is a project aimed at increasing the physical and mental comfort of people using orthopaedic crutches. The shape and design of the caps depend on the type of surface used, the appropriate level of amortisation (depending on the weight and type of injury) as well as individual aesthetic preferences. By using a virtual interface, potential users can visualise their personalised SPIRALE model, generated based on the data they provided, which is then produced with 3D printing technology.

The essence of the project is to design easy-to-personalise crutch caps by combining the capabilities of tools such as a virtual interface, the Grasshopper parametric modelling programme and 3D printing technology.

Cooperation: Natala Tarnowska